Coordinated Community Response Team



The University of New Mexico’s Main Campus’s Coordinated Community Response Team is a multi-disciplinary collaborative comprised of university and community partners. This partnership is committed to:

  • Facilitating evidence based mandatory education and prevention
  • Tailored, trauma informed, victim centered responsiveness
  • Promoting accountability and policy that is reflective of this commitment.

UNM’s CCRT is a part of the university's overall efforts to improve our campus’s response in addressing sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The CCRT is a coordinated response team composed of community and university organizations that are committed to increasing prevention and education efforts to reduce sexual, domestic and dating violence on campus, while providing services that keep victims’ experiences and healing the priority. Our goal is to ensure that all members of our campus community have awareness of, and access to, trauma-informed, culturally sensitive services that are both effective and responsive to everyone’s unique needs.

All working committees include a focus on the following areas: (1) Social Justice, Equity and Cultural Sensitivity, (2) Student leadership, Staff and Faculty engagement and (3) Trauma-Informed, Victim-Centered Services. While we have co-chairs for both the CCRT and its working groups, we are committed to a circular model where all voices are honored.